Off My Rocker
The New

5 Shades of Gray

When you have an excellent experience knitting a project, you have all the confidence you need to do something similar again. Last year I took on Kirsten Kapur's Mystery Shawl and won big with my Germinate a shawl I have worn almost daily since its finish.

Not the best photo, but I like it

The minute I heard about the gradient yarn from Black Trillium I knew I had to use it and, of course, I fell for shades of gray. Crater to be exact. It was the idea of gradients that enticed many a friend to step into the mystery with me.


Some knitters are afraid step into the unknown, take the clues as they come, and wait for the mystery to reveal itself. Knitting time is precious and the fear of ending up with something you don't like is visceral.

I've knit mysteries shawls I've ripped out, giving up after the first clue, and, in the end, I was happy I did. I would not have liked the end product, but I trust Kirsten and her design process. She has a multitude of shawls I'd like to knit and I was very happy to follow her into a mysterious place.

Just as I did with last years mystery, Germinate, I have worn this Mystery Shawl daily since its finish. How the gradients would fit together, the flow of the design from one pattern to another, as well as the border of the last clue, were all amazing to watch as they fell into place.


A mystery leaves clues throughout the story, but the final reveal is left for the very end. The mystery shawl does not reveal its true story until it is blocked, the lace is unfurled, and the richness of the color and pattern are shown. Only after that does one understand the truth of its beauty.


That is gorgeous and perfect for you in those shades. I blogged about mine today, too!

Stunning grays! Those are perfect colors for you Margene. Down to the bind-off on mine after ripping out the last 2 rows repeatedly.

I saw it in person, it is lovely, and will most likely be worn daily. The photos are wonderful especially against the white shirt

This is just a wonderful post, capturing the whole process and not just the end product. That shawl is beautiful on you. Thanks for motivating me to participate!

Oh my. That is lovely.

Oh, it's fabulous! It was a wonderful knit-along project!

Of all the mystery shawls, yours is my favorite. I love, love, love the grays! It was fun knitting alongside some of my favorite people!


Your shawl is lovely!

Epic shawl. Wow.
And oh so clever post title. :-)

You expressed the trepidation about knittingma mystery perfectly. You also demonstrated how rewarding a mystery can be.

Stunning, you both look beautiful. I love the color and the design, lovely pairing.

What a great use of gradient yarn - love it! :)

It came out great, and I think the colors in your set were perfect.

It was fun project to knit together. I wear mine every night when I sit on the patio.

I love that shawl, and you are quite pretty in it :)

This is truly lovely, and it looks lovely on you. I'm glad you had a fulfilling knit!


I wasn't worried about the mystery part of the knit along because I love gradient yarns, and I love so many of Kirsten's patterns.

I'm enjoying seeing the finished shawls and all of the different colors that were used.

I loved following you . . . down the gradient hole! The mystery knitting was such a treat (after all my woes with Clue #2. . .). Like you, I trust Kirsten's designs and figured it would turn out beautifully in the end.

I love your shades of grey. Just stunning.

Absolutely gorgeous!

Such a delicate use of gradients. Love it!! Hugs, Grrl.

Love, love, love! It's a beautiful shawl Margene!

It's beautiful! I've had the mixed experiences with mkals, too, and this one is a winner. Your color choice is wonderful. You're so right about lace not revealing its full mystery until after the blocking. xo

beautiful! Kirsten's mysteries are always fun - this one has been my favorite though, I think because so many of us did it together (and of course because the finished piece is just so pretty!)

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