What's Up?
June 26, 2014
I have been WATCHING the peregrine falcon box atop a building in downtown SLC. The DWR has a camera set up and I've watched the little ones from eggs to fledge! Two flew out of the box on Monday within an hour of each other. It was quite a wonder to watch. One lone bird is in the box and it will probably fledge today, a couple of days behind its siblings. I will be watching closely to see when it takes the jump.
I told you about my obsession with READING Faulkner, but I had to pick a lighter book, as I can't always listen to a story that is dense with description. I picked The Shifting Fog, but have been unimpressed. When I can sit and read I'll start Hunting and Gathering (recommended by Kym).
You know my main KNITTING focus has been TTL Mystery Shawl, but I am also putting in time on Merle (when if I can).
For the most part I have been LISTENING TO books, but once I half gave up on Shifting Fog I turned to podcasts for my entertainment. I'm fond of This American Life and Select Shorts, but also, love The Alton Browncast and Book Riot (recommended by Mary).
This photo has nothing to do with this post, but I thought it worth sharing.
I've been on the Alabama Chanin web site nearly every day THINKING ABOUT which kit I want to buy. They have an option to choose your own style and color and they'll put together a DIY kit to your specifications. I'm more than happy to let them stencil for me as my one attempt met with abject failure. I just need decide which style and take the jump.
The one thing I've been CELEBRATING is summer! The long days and warm temperatures feel like heaven.
We are PLANNING on go to the Utah Arts Festival tonight. I enjoy seeing the many artisans and exhibitors and would really like to see the performance art troupe Australia's Strange Fruit.
Mainly, I'm ITCHING TO finish the Mystery Shawl and get on with other projects. When I started the shawl I didn't intend for it to be my main knitting, but that's not the way it worked out. Hopefully, the shawl will be finished not long after clue 5 is released.
It's summer! My main options for DRINKING consists of three things...water, iced tea, and white wine. In that order, but not in equal quantities.
I know this has been on every list I've made but I am still NEEDING TO clean out my pantry. The project needs to start with the big closet pantry in the basement which houses some of my extra kitchen "stuffs". Truthfully, I don't need anything in the larger pantry, as I rarely even go into it. We store a few food items, but it's packed with old baking pans and serving dishes (from Smith's mom). Decisions need to be made.
I've been good about ORGANIZING my bedroom closets and drawers, but I haven't tackled my jewelry drawer or my sweater cupboard. They both need a thorough going through and cleaning. There are many items I don't want to part with and which I wear often, but, in reality, I could get rid of 80% of the things I've been hoarding.
Our cooking has been INSPIRED BY the garden as we've been able to harvest peas, beets, kale, carrots, (one lone zucchini) and onions. The garlic will soon be pulled but it needs some time to dry before it has much flavor. We're looking forward to a summer of good, fresh eating.
DELIGHTED BY the fact that Smith has the rare pleasure of a Sunday off! The plan is to make sure all chores are taken care of on Saturday so we can enjoy a quiet morning together. Even better news is he has July 4th off. How many times have I been a Holiday loner?
What's been on your mind lately? Anything you'd like to share?
Oh my goodness, you've got so much stuff going on! And lots of fun stuff to look forward to.
Posted by: claudia | June 26, 2014 at 06:36 AM
I bet that Utah Arts Festival will be awesome! Lots of good stuff going on for you right now. We're off today to our private island getaway for the weekend. Hooray!
Posted by: Carole | June 26, 2014 at 06:47 AM
Thanks for sharing what's up with you. I love your bee and pea photos, and special thanks for the Book Riot recommendation. I'm off to download some episodes now!
Posted by: Bonny | June 26, 2014 at 07:27 AM
Ooh, thanks for the falcon link -- I'm transfixed! :)
Posted by: Laine | June 26, 2014 at 11:07 AM
whoa - lots going on! I love these posts to catch up on all the bits and pieces. they're also fun to go back and read to remember what life was like. I still haven't picked up the mystery shawl this week. finishing it before Madison might be a challenge!
Posted by: Mary | June 26, 2014 at 02:04 PM
I need a nap after reading about all of that! :)
Posted by: Chris | June 26, 2014 at 07:06 PM
So much going on! (And those photos are GREAT!) I love cooking with what's-up-in-the-garden! Summer is such a great time of year. . .
Posted by: Kym | June 27, 2014 at 07:49 PM
2300 posts! Thanks for the Peregrine link.
Posted by: beachthread | June 27, 2014 at 08:47 PM
I'm a couple of weeks or more behind on reading blogs and just read your post about Moxie. I'm so very sorry for your loss. It's always so difficult to lose our furry kids.
Posted by: sue | June 29, 2014 at 02:17 PM
Wow! Both overwhelming and inspiring to read all that you are up to these days. I'm making my way through it all, a bit at a time! xoxoxoxo
Posted by: Sarah | June 29, 2014 at 02:19 PM
checking out that link! THanks
Posted by: kathy b | June 30, 2014 at 08:53 AM