Gray Matter

Bluest Day

I'm posting this sky photo today so Cheryl can seewhat she missed yesterday while stuck in her office.  Yesterday was the only day I not only remembered my camera, but it was the only day the sky wasn't a flat, no drama gray.


The wind was having its way with the clouds, swirling and feathering them in every direction on the bright, clear blue canvas.  This is my favorite color of sky, with just a touch of white, gray and lavendar clouds.  The wind has been harsh, wild and strong, blowing the storms right past us, resulting in no snow. 

The sky scarf will have a row of blue after a weeks worth of gray.  I have a feeling the next week will also be shades of gray.


I could watch the clouds dance across the sky forever. Lovely!


Pretty. Today? All drama up there.

We finally have snow - got a few inches overnight Thursday and getting more today. At least it's pretty!

Lovely! We have blue skies today, after a dreary day yesterday.

Oh, how lovely! I'm sad I missed it, but so glad that you captured it so I could see it.

Beautiful, but what about snow? Are you still waiting? This year is freakish weatherwise, isn't it? Have a wonderful knitting/relaxing weekend, grrl!!!!

I'm just fascinated with your sky scarf project...

Very pretty indeed. We had blue skies today, but very very cold temperatures.

Ahhh - I love all your blue sky pictures. I can almost feel the cool crisp clean air through the computer screen. THanks for the bright ray of sunshine!


That Cheryl! She needs to rethink that whole working thing. ;^)

That is a lovely blue. Hope the snow makes a visit now and then....

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