G is for...
Missing Blue

The P-Word

After pondering the preferred sock to knit for Project Spectrum in the perfect color pallet yarn, Fire on the Mountain, my preference is Potu...Pomi...Porti...Pormth...Pomatomus. From here on out to be called the P-Word Socks. While I'm not very far along I can tell you this is one fun sock to knit. There are only a few stitches created with each color, so it's like knitting with a riot of color. The pattern is a hoot, too! I'm so lovin' it!


Today will be my last post about Pink and Red for Project Spectrum's first month. Sigh...it's a sad day, as I love both color so much more than the colors for the next two months. Despite that, it will be fun to play with new color and I hope to feel more favorably towards Orange, Yellow and Green by the end of May. (Yes Norma, I do love Typepad's color feature.)

Yummypinksalmonanneyarn_1During Saturday's yarn crawl I did buy more PINK sock yarn. Can you stand it? I tried to put it back. I tried very hard, but you know how sticky yarn can be. While it is pink there are some lovely shades of salmon floating around in it, too.  I have yet to knit with Shaeffer Anne and this makes the third 'skank' in my stash.  If I hadn't already crashed on the StashAlong this would have ended it.  It is the only yarn I bought besides plain yarn to dye and the sweater yarn (for which I had enough on my gift certificates).  I wouldn't call that a StashAlong backlash (yet) and I hope there isn't one.  I do have enough yarn to enjoy through the summer. (Please be kind and don't laugh or poke fun, I do mean it...*cough*.)

MyprettyprojectspetbagfromcarolynInsideofmypursewithpsock Another P word is my new purse!  It's a perfect size to carry a knitting project. While decluttering last year I handed over, to a friend who sews, a big bag of fabrics and patterns.  The bag was full of good intentions too but, we know what the road to hell is paved with and I needed to improve my track record.  Carolyn took some of the fabrics and one of the patterns, made a purse (that I had intended to make) and gifted it back to me. (She is a real sweetheart!) The inside has several pockets for tools and enough room for a sock project!  It now holds the P-Word socks.

Judysbeautifulpuresilkyarn Judy sent some of her beautiful pure silk hand dyed yarn for me to test. The color is so rich and the yarn so shiny!  I will start knitting with it to see what I think and give her a report.  It had to be included with this post because it is such a fabulous red!

And, just in time for the end of the Pink and Red month, I finished the Child's First Socks. I've knit them three times and still love the pattern. I hope my pal loves them, too.


Child's First Sock from Knitting Vintage Socks by Nancy Bush
Yarn: Hand Jive  Nature's Pallet – Indian Paintbrush
Needles: DPN Bamboo size 1.5
Time to Knit: 2-7-06 – 3-19-06
Knit for: Alison’s SockapalOOOza and Becky’s  Red Hot Sizzling Socks KAL

This post brought to you by the letter 'P' and Project Spectrum.


Pretty socks and yarn. I like the Peace Beanie. Very cool, and another "P" word.

Fun post! Look forward to seeing those P-socks. And the finished socks ARE really sizzling!

Great p's. I can't pronounce those socks either, let alone remember the name for more than two seconds.

Orange WILL be a challenge. You may warm up to green. It is the color of serenity and life.

Lucky Sockapaloooza, to get those socks.

i'll be interested in knowing how that silk works for you. i'm still working with what i got and it's been interesting. there is no 'spring' to the yarn, so i had to swatch several patterns till i found one that went this way and that way to show off the shine and get a good guage for the silk to hold.

The P-socks are on my list too...they look fun to knit. And good with variegated yarn, you say? Love the bag and I personally can't wait until Judy lets us all get some of her silk yarn. Yummy.

Perfect post! Love all of the "P" words. That sock pattern has caught my eye on a number of occasions - I might just take the plunge! (even though I have not tried lace socks before - I am not so skilled on the lace front...)

Love the pink socks!

Many thanks for your Project Spectrum cheerleading, Margene. It always makes me smile! I am a pink/red girl myself, but I am quite excited about the opportunities that the other colors will bring. I have fallen in love with green over the past few seasons, I am ready for May! Yellow and orange will be great too. Looking forward to what your creativity brings to this Project.

All the best wishes,

Positively PERFECT!

I love how colorful this post it! The socks are beautiful, I love that pattern, too.

I'm loving my P word socks too - they look so fancy but the pattern is surprisingly intuitive!
Pink and Red was way too easy for me - orange and yellow will be decidedly more difficult!

You're silly. I like that in a person. :o)

The Child's Socks are beautiful. I'm sure your pal will love them! If not, she can auction them off -- I'm sure they'd find an open home somewhere in blogland!

oohhh your P socks are going to look grrrrreat in that yarn! Can't wait to see the finished project!

I love the p-socks too and they're definitely on my to-do list. Yours look gorgeous in that colorway.

I'll admit to a little apprehension about yellow and orange since neither are favorites of mine but I can't wait 'till May because I love green!

Oh, very colorful, very nice. Love that adorable bag -- what a sweet gift.

What a great post.
I too am knitting the P-word socks for my Project Spectrum socks -- only mine are mostly pink, so they're my March socks. I've a lot of knitting to do to finish even one by the end of the month.

I'm thinking of letting March seep heavily into April though. I did some orange knitting during the Olympics, and it was a rare event in my house. I'm not fond of either yellow or orange... what to do.... what to do...

Pretty and colorful post! Love your new project bag. Perfect! :)

Oooh, your socks look good. I've been eyeing the book with that pattern ever since I saw your socks last week!

I think this red month has gone too fast. As much as I love orange and yellow, I could be perfectly happy working with nothing but reds and pinks! I'm looking forward to seeing how you do with green! ;)

Your pal's socks are great! That pattern has been on my list since I got the book. It jumps up a little closer to the top each time you post a pair :-)

Your purse looks great and I can't wait to see more of the P-word socks. They seem like the perfect spring knit with all that color!

What a fun bag! How nice of her to do that for you. Your sockpal will love her socks as well.

I didn't realize that green is the color for May. My son will be excited as it's his favorite color and his birthday month.

Gorgeous socks - the finished and the unfinished. Speaking as a an orange-lover who has recently come to terms with the fact that pink may not actually be an evil trick played on womankind - find your shade. Orange and yellow, they can be vibrant and alive, they can be mellow and comforting. It's all about tone.

Love those socks! You know, for the yellow/orange/green months, have you looked at the Knitpicks sock yarn colorway Daffodil? It is entirely all those colors!!!

What a Perfectly Pretty and Practical Portable Project Purse, for a gal with a sparkling Personality! (And what a Great friend to make it for you!)

Yes, I know that road to hell well! ;) What a perfect bag for a knitting project, and so thoughtful of your friend. :)

Also, I'm drooling over the hand-dyed silk. Gorgeous color, and the sheen!

LOL, reading this post is like I took some psychodelic hallucinogen.

LURVE those red socks!!!

P-p-perfect Post. Loving all your reds and pinks, and your sock pal sure is a lucky one, I am smitten with those socks!

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