We Interrupt this Blog for a Political Rant (and an awesome picture or two!)
Poor Me...

Star Gazing & Stash (oh boy!)

TheboyzHere are my boys, Murphy (in front) and Moxie. Murphy is 12 years old and his age is showing. He is nearly blind, has a bum front leg and back hip, plus several other health problems. He never complains, cries, or acts like he can’t do something. His tail wags constantly and he follows me everywhere. (Moxie is 8 and is the laziest dog I have ever met…we adopted him 4 years ago.) Let’s stick to Murphy. He is having trouble ‘holding it’ and we make sure to take him out more frequently, especially early in the morning and as soon as we arrive home in the afternoon. The benefit to this is that on the clear (cold!) mornings we’ve been having I am outdoors at predawn, the time that Venus and Jupiter are very bright and close to the earth. If you can get out at that time of day make sure you look for them on the eastern horizon. I have never seen Venus as big as it is now. You can find out more here.

JeagerspunAfter the Needlepoint class on Saturday I took my hard earned funds and headed to...the LYS, of course. Unraveled Sheep had some JeagerSpun silk/wool lace weight that I just had to have, color Pewter. It will be MY Flower Basket Shawl, someday.

GloriasgAnd having counted my chickens before they hatched, I had already purchased the Silk Garden (from WNW) and Debbie Bliss Cashmerino Aran (from Knit Happens) for Gloria last week. This beautiful Noro sweater will become mine when I finish up a few other things around here. Can’t have too much on the needles. (But there is no limit to what is in the stash, evidently). The colors of the Silk Garden are so rich and warm. Rust, gold, shades of brown and gray will be complimented by the Chocolate Cashmerino beautifully. (Also have the yarn for Butterfly but you’ll have to wait for that reveal at a later date.)

It’s hard to hold back the needles as they want to dig in and get going on something new. But I have Blaze blazing along, Lotus Flowers in my Zen garden, and the Fluted Banister socks for the Six Sock Along and that is enough for the time being. A grrl mustn’t get overwhelmed by too many projects or there is the danger of loosing many to the UFO bin. (I don’t count the Domino or the Seaweed Wrap as UFO’s because they are still in my WIPs gallery. Lame? Maybe.) Knitting three things at a time seems to be the mantra of Blogland. So the socks, Blaze and Lotus will be my ‘masterworks in progress’ for the moment.

And then to top it off Monica & Lynette (and Annie, too!) had to tell about the fabu sale at Elann. I've had my eye on Bonne Marie's Ribby Cardi and have been waiting for it's debut. It's here!

I never had a stash until meeting up with all of you. I hold myself responsible, but you must admit you love drawing in more victims to the black hole of Stashdom.


My old bedroom is my mom's stash room. Consequently, I have a healthy respect for not letting one's stash get out of control. I agree that blogging definately has its effect on stash! So many lovely yarns to be seen...Your new Noro and Bliss yarns are lovely.

How lucky Murphy is! Rather than seeing the early am trips outside as a chore, you've found a positive aspect to the whole situation. Murphy's a very fortunate dog to have you happily accommodating him in his old age, and I bet that's part of what keeps him going.

elann caught me too!!!! omg... i have as tash now!!! it shoudla rrive soon:)

being online and a knitter does have its hazards lol!

have a super week!


Your story about Murphy was so sweet and nice. I'm up early too with my pups so I'm going to take a look for Venus tomorrow morning. And sorry, I am such an evil enabler! Mwaahhhh!

"It’s hard to hold back the needles as they want to dig in and get going on something new."

That is EXACTLY how I feel. And you're right, if I dig in and start a new project, I quickly get overwhelmed.

At last, pix of your kids. Lovely. My mother had 2 schnauzers - Oliver and Smokey... lovely dogs. Now to get my lazy rear out of bed to check out the eastern sky!! Thanks for the heads up (so to speak). And you know how much I love your mountains.

To borrow a friend's line... 3 things at a time? Amateur.

Elann = stash in a flash!

Don't feel bad, my stash is absolutely uncontrollable. I am beginning to think I should hide yarn in the freezer and in empty flower pots so that people won't see it out and think that I am crazy. And I never work on more than two projects at a time so you are doing better than me :)

And did you see the Jo Sharp Rare Comfort Mohair that Elann.com had?!?! I bought like 20 skeins of that stuff in this beautiful green color called "Swamp"! But let's keep that between you and me ;)

Gloria will be beautiful in that color combo. Great choice!

Hello - my toy poodle, who is only 10 pounds, never really got the hang of "you have to hold it x amount of hours while we are at work." Actually I think he gets so excited that when we get home that's when it normally happens. I found a product I have dubbed "Willy Wrap," but it is actually here www.markout.com. I use a lady's extra absorbent Poise Pad to catch any ooops. I have had them over 1 year now and they work great. Just an idea if he needs more help in the future.

- Rose

Elann is evil.

I've already sent a box of books to Cathy in CO for her to "hold" for me until we arrive in the west. Guess I now will have to start sending all the SLC knitting crew a box of yarn EACH to "hold" for me - and no fair using it while I'm not looking.

Here I am trying to De-stash when I read about the sale on cosmicpluto's (Laura) blog. All was lost after that. Yes, I've destashed but only to make room for two ribby cardies.

Sorry for being a 'very good' bad influence.

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