Sweater Weather and Haikus

Classroom at Black Sheep

Class_1Lisa_1 Look at the classroom at the new Black Sheep (see posts Monday and Tuesday for shop photos)! The room is bright and it has a nice large table with good chairs. The other classroom was small; a walkthrough to the office and back door, plus it only had room for a small table and folding chairs. The new space is wonderful! Lisa, our estimable teacher, is helping a student. She is a teacher extraordinaire and teaches many classes at the shop including two color knitting (of many types), finishing, beginning knitting, Norwegian, Fair Isle, Icelandic sweaters and in January a Gansey class. (Now Norma, I know you don’t care for Ganseys. But, I’m intrigued and want to design my own. It’s a challenge and I’ll get a warm sweater out of it…eventually.)
Every teacher in the shop is very good and it’s so nice to have a place that knows more than most of us. I’m a class junkie. I love to learn and think that something is gained in any class. Classes are a social thing for me, like Stitch ‘n Bitch, but a little more formal. Just being in the shop is fun and inspiring. Don’t you think a trip back to the shop this weekend will be a good idea!?

Weekend fun awaits
Mountain color is in store
Pictures on Monday


Again, you are so lucky to have such a wonderful store nearby. The only classes my LYS teaches are beginning knitting, socks, and knitting with wire.

Can't wait to see the pics on Monday!

So I went ahead and did it...hee hee. It's a Hallowig Knitalong co-hosted by me and Missa, a.k.a the Midnight Knitter. You know, you wouldn't have to use acrylic, Missa might use some pink Jaeger she has, can you believe it?!...think about it, who doesn't need a knitted wig ;-)

I so admire your class-taking. I have never taken a class. There. I said it. It's out in the open! I just got a great Gansey book - check out Knitting Ganseys by Beth Brown-Reinsel. I LOVE Ganseys, and this book is a real treat! It made me realize that there are a lot of features in a gansey - many gansey patterns don't stay true to the real deal. I want to make the miniature just for fun.

Hey, you! You go for your Gansey, Baby! I just don't think they are flattering on me --mostly because I'm short and have such wide shoulders, which a Gansey accentuates. I know you will look marvelous in yours, and it surely WILL be warm.

Knitting class junkies
Always learning and growing
It's the thing to do

I signed up for the lace scarf class at Black Sheep in November. It will be my first official knitting class, and I am looking forward to it.

btw, I forgot to mention, since you've got an unappreciative receiving SP2, you can always send me gifts and I will be v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v. appreciative. Oh, wait, you already did and I already was! mwah!

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